Mobile, Mobile, Mobile!
By Bryn Abshire - February 20, 2015
Mobile data traffic is exploding, with some statistics claiming that mobile traffic grew nearly 70% in 2014 and that over half a billion (yes, billion with a B) mobile devices were added last year alone. With numbers like that the debate on whether or not responsive platforms are necessary is over.
Even if you don’t think yours is the kind of business that people “look for” on a mobile device, consider that mobile now ranges from the phone in your pocket, to tablets and Ipads that are quickly replacing the traditional desktop in many homes. If your business website does not scale to different devices or your map or phone number is not easily found or clickable, your potential customer will quickly navigate away to a site that is more user-friendly and offers a seamless browsing experience.
All of the websites created by Denver Website Designs are responsive and are designed to help convert browsers into buyers, and not distract users with pinch and squeeze pages and irrelevant information. Contact us for a free demonstration of our responsive web design and CRM solution.
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