What is Drip Marketing and How You Can Use it To Boost the Marketing of Your Company

Improving your Denver business’s digital reach requires a careful and strategic approach to be successful. Taking the initiative to promote your business, no matter how large or small your company may be, takes dedication and commitment to the cause. But in order to achieve your business goals, you will need to understand what is required and what works. Simply guessing your way through this process is a surefire way to make a whole host of mistakes and waste precious time and resources. Instead of simply taking chances with no real information about what works and what won’t, consider hiring a Denver website design company to help guide you towards your goals.

What is Drip Marketing?

In order to understand how drip marketing can be an effective tool for your business, we first need to understand what drip marketing is. Although it can also be known by different names, such as an automated email campaign, lifecycle emails, and marketing automation, the basic concept is the same. A drip campaign is a set of structured emails that are sent out on a schedule based on whatever triggers the drip campaign. Often, a drip campaign can be initiated through the act of someone signing up for your email list. Having a structured campaign set to be automated can be a powerful way to convince a person of your product or service, and it can be an extremely efficient way to do marketing as you can essentially “set it and forget it”. 

A drip marketing email campaign can be personalized towards whatever particular action a customer takes. You can have several drip marketing campaigns set up to be triggered depending on the type of action a person takes. In addition to having a campaign for when someone signs up for your email list, you can also set up a drip marketing campaign for when a person looks into a product or decides to engage in some particular aspect of your website, increasing the chances that a person might decide to do business with your company. 

Drip marketing campaigns can allow you to automate your communication with a customer and can save you plenty of time and effort in the process. These campaigns can personalize the messaging based on a person’s name and other personal information that may be available to you, such as their age, location, and demographic. The fact that a drip campaign can be created without any need to do all of the heavy lifting and messaging yourself is a massive boost for you and your business’ ability to market your product or services.

Why You Should Utilize Drip Marketing

In the act of deciding whether or not to use the services of a company, many customers take a long time before deciding to finally pull the trigger and utilize the services of your business. Instead of becoming overly aggressive and pressuring a person to pull the trigger utilizing something like direct calling or messaging. Instead, a drip marketing campaign can structure your communication so it is not overbearing or annoying, things that can push a client away from your business. 

So the next question would be: do drip campaigns actually work in converting customers toward using your business? According to available research, the answer is a resounding yes. People who read their emails are 119% more likely to click through to your website if you have a solid and effective drip marketing campaign in place. A regular email campaign that doesn’t plan for the possibility of someone not clicking through will be much less likely to click on your website than a campaign that is set up to plan for these possible outcomes. Taking the time to flesh out this type of campaign can go a long way towards converting customers to come to your website. 

What Types of Drip Campaigns Are Popular

In terms of understanding what drip campaigns are available out there, it’s important to understand the different types of campaigns. There are many different types, which can include welcoming someone to your website. This is when a person has taken the step to actually provide you with their email address. You can introduce yourself in this type of email in the first message, followed by further showing your value and services, and then to provide an offer that someone can decide to enact. 

Additional drip campaign types include when someone has an abandoned shopping cart and you want to follow up to encourage them to complete their purchase. A drip campaign allows this action to be automated, something that is especially valuable if you have an e-commerce business and you want this process to become automatic. Following up with every potential lead on your own will not only be time-consuming but in many cases it will be impossible, depending on the number of customers visiting your website.

Drip campaigns may also include things such as recommendations and renewals for your business or service. Sending out a reminder to have your customers renew their subscription or to provide a recommendation for your service can be a potent tool for increasing your business, as you will increase the number of customers simply by sending out a structured email campaign. Many people make decisions based on the recommendations of friends and family, so sending out an email can increase the chances that someone will recommend your business or service to someone they know. 

If you are considering implementing content marketing within your business, or are thinking about ways in which to grow your business, contact Denver Website Designs today and we will get you on the path to growth and sustainability. We help companies achieve their financial goals and are committed to helping to grow your business. Speak with one of our dedicated professionals today about how your website can help transform and accelerate your profitability through careful and precise marketing strategies. 
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